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How to Apply for a Personal Loan

1. How to Apply for a Personal Loan

Get customized loan options based on what you tell us.

2. Choose a Loan Offer

Select the rate, term, and payment options you like best.

3. Get Funded

Once your loan is approved, we'll pay your creditors directly or send the money straight to your bank account.

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How to Apply for a Personal Loan

A personal loan allows you to borrow money from a lender for almost any purpose, typically with a fixed term, a fixed interest rate, and a regular monthly payment schedule. Collateral is usually not required and personal loans typically have lower interest rates than most credit cards.

Since interest rates and loan terms on a personal loan are fixed, you can select a loan and payment amount that fits within your budget—which is great when you’re consolidating debt. Plus, you’ll know the exact date your loan will be fully paid off.

Using a personal loan to consolidate high-interest credit card debt might even help you improve your credit score, by diversifying your credit mix, showing that you can make on-time monthly payments, and reduce your total debt.

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  • Borrow up to $40,000
  • Receive money fast, upon approval
  • Competitive fixed rates and fixed monthly payments
  • No prepayment fees
  • Automatic payment withdrawals
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Personal Loans to Match Your Financial Goals


Credit Consolidation Loans

Refinance your credit cards with a personal loan—and know the exact date your loan will be paid off.


Balance Transfer Loans

Lock in a lower APR and save time by paying creditors directly through LendingClub—just tell us who to pay and how much.


Debt Consolidation Loans

Simplify your debt—and your life—with a single monthly payment on an affordable, fixed-rate loan.


Home Improvement Loans

Start your home improvement project now, without waiting for a home equity loan or line of credit.